When building a pole barn or pole barn garage it is common for many buyers to go through a little buyer’s remorse, whether that is not getting as much space as they need, or wanting a different design after the build is complete. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to avoid that feeling of regret when building a pole barn garage, home, or storage unit. Here are some of the major problems most buyers face after their pole barn is built, and what you can do to avoid them. 

Needing a Bigger Pole Barn Garage or Storage area. 


Probably the most common regret amongst pole barn buyers is the building size. This mistake is most commonly caused by an overemphasis on square footage. Many buyers will set their mind on a very specific measurement for the size of their pole barn, so they have set in stone costs, only to find out later that they need added space. The best way to avoid this is to add some extra square footage to whatever your original plan is. It is rare that someone regrets having too much space, so adding some extra room to your original plan will ensure that you have enough space for what the building’s intended purpose is for, plus some extra in case there is a change of plans.


The main reason this is recommended is that pole barn extensions are often more costly than factoring the space into the original build. However, for those who already have their building up and wish to expand, there are plenty of options for you. 


Pole barn extensions are common with the only downside being added cost if not mentioned during the original design phase. This is due to the need to reevaluate the structural integrity of the building to ensure it can withstand the extra square footage. Once evaluated changes will be made to the structure before new space can be added. 

My Pole Barn Garage or Home needs a Deck system! 


In a pole barn garage or home, a deck system is an elevated storage system that is great for medium-sized items that take up a lot of space. Items such as bicycles, canoes, kayaks, animal feed, furniture, tools, decor, etc. 

Can I install a Deck System After my Building has been Installed?


Just like with pole barn garage and home extensions, the answer is, it depends on the original design. An experienced builder will know if the design allows for a deck system. The most important aspects of loft/deck system design are pole barn height and foundation. If your foundation can support the load of a new structure and its storage, and the height of your pole barn allows for a loft without hitting your head on the way up, then yet a deck system installation is very doable. 

Finishing a Pole Barn’s interior 


Some buyers don’t realize just how much time they will be spending in their pole barn garage or storage building. This causes them to leave out finishing touches such as drywall, insulation, ceilings, steel liner, and more. Residential pole barns and commercial buildings are most likely to need these additions. Even small farm shops would benefit from steel liner or a form of insulation to keep workers and shoppers comfortable. 

Can I finish the interior later? 


Like with all the other forms of extensions and changes to pole barns, yes you can, but only if your design allows for it. Insulation does not follow this rule and should be installed when the building is constructed, but other materials such as drywall can be installed later. Just keep in mind that each material has its own spacing specifications, so the current design of your pole barn garage, home, or unit may prevent you from adding certain materials. 

Additional Pole Barn Garage and Home Features


When designing your pole barn garage or home, many additional features seem costly and unnecessary. However, there are many additional features you should consider before you start building as they can be costly to add later or may not be able to be added at all. Here are some of the most common additions: 


  • Porches 
  • Overhead doors
  • Windows
  • Walk-in doors
  • Wainscoting 


Out of those listed above only porches, windows, and walk-in doors can be added relatively easily, as they only require some basic framing and cutting. Overhead doors can be installed later as well, but require much more design planning. Make sure you have a pole barn garage and building expert take a look at the location you wish to add an overhead door before moving forward. 


Wainscotting should not be added at a later date. If this is a feature you would like, it is highly recommended that it is implemented during the design process. Trying to add wainscotting later will require a complete re-skin of your pole barn garage or home and can be very costly. 


Concrete Flooring 


Concrete flooring is the most popular type of floor for a pole barn garage or storage unit. Concrete avoids dust build-up, moisture build-up, and allows for easy cleaning. Concrete flooring can come in many different colors and finishes depending on your pole barn builder. 


Concrete flooring can be poured after the building is already complete, however, there are some steps that must be taken beforehand. The original flooring, whether dirt, gravel, or stone, should be raked until it is level, and the finish floor elevation or should be determined to ensure proper concrete depth. Keep in mind that concrete depth will determine how high or low a grade board will be. Make sure this is communicated clearly as a mistake here, can cause drainage problems. 

Getting your Pole Barn Garage or Home Designed Right! 


Tru-Bilt Buildings has been building post-frame buildings for decades and has maintained its strong reputation in the Southern Illinois region the entire time. We are the number one pole barn builders in the region and would be thrilled to help you with your next project. Get a quote from us today, or contact us, so we can get your pole barn building design and construction underway!